Indian Painting in Santa Fe, 1918-1945
Pages: 253
Illustrations: 90 illustrations
© 2009
This catalogue from a 2009 exhibition at the Wheelwright Museum focuses on paintings by students who attended the Santa Fe Indian School between 1919 and 1945.
History, Rephotography, and Preservation in the Chaco World
Trim: 9.75" x 8.25"
Pages: 224
Illustrations: 48 duotones, 50 color photographs
© 2013
Historic photographs of Chaco Canyon from the late 19th century to the 1970s are juxtaposed with contemporary "rephotographs."
A Navajo Family's Journey Home
Trim: 9.5" x 10.75"
Pages: 200
Illustrations: 82 duotone photographs
© 2009
A family's decision to return to the Navajo reservation. Examines the spiritual healing that can take place when cultural identity is honored and restored.
Meaning and Beauty in Southwest Native Arts
Trim: 11" x 9"
Pages: 172
Illustrations: 142 plates, 20 illustrations
In the past, as now, turquoise was valued for its color and beauty but also for its symbolic nature: sky, water, health, protection, and abundance. The book traces historical and contemporary jewelry made by Navajo, Zuni, Hopi, and Santo Domingo artisans, and the continuously inventive ways the stone has been worked.
A New Vision for New Mexico's National Preserve
Trim: 12" x 10.5"
Pages: 208
Illustrations: 30 duotone and 70 colorplates
© 2020
About 1.25 million years ago, a spectacular volcanic eruption created the 13-mile wide circular depression now known as the Valles Caldera, located in northern New Mexico. This revised & expanded edition marks the twentieth anniversary of the Valles Caldera Preservation Act, a visionary piece of legislation that transferred to the public domain a privately owned ranch (signed in 2000 by President Bill Clinton). The preserve was assigned to a board of citizens appointed by the president to manage it as a self-sustaining preserve. The experiment in semi-private land management ended in 2014 as the Valles Caldera was legislatively reassigned to the National Park Service.
Trim: 12" x 10"
Pages: 236
Illustrations: 55 color plates, 200 color and black-and-white photographs
© 2021
With an artistic career spanning four decades, Virgil Ortiz (Cochiti Pueblo) is one of the most innovative artists working today. Not one to be limited or categorized, Ortiz's artistry extends across mediums and boundaries--challenging societal expectations and breaking taboos.
Trim: 7.5" x 9.5"
Pages: 208
Illustrations: 88 color and black-and-white photographs
© 2017
This book pays homage to the counterculture movement in New Mexico and the Southwest through the words and photographs of a select gathering of people who lived it.
Donde soplan los vientos de canela
Trim: 8.5" x 5.5"
Pages: 68
Illustrations: 1 color and 10 black-and-white illustrations
© 1998
An English/Spanish bilingual fantasy rooted in the cultural context of the Hispanic Southwest.
A Lakota Sioux writer details in fictional form the impact of the gun, introduced in 1750, on his people's culture.